Clips from the article below
By David Frownfelder
Daily Telegram Staff Writer
Posted Nov. 22, 2013 @ 12:00 pm
A group of Lenawee County veterans were given an update Wednesday on services available through state and federal agencies.
The information was dispensed in a forum Wednesday at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Annis-Fint Post 1584 in Adrian and hosted by state Rep. Nancy Jenkins, R-Clayton. Accompanying her were Jason Allen, senior policy advisor for the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, and Jerry Cool from the United Veterans Council of Lenawee County.
Those attending were told veterans in Michigan have not always received the help and services they need, but the situation is improving. Jenkins said Michigan is at the bottom of the list for getting help to veterans, ranking last among all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Allen said his agency is working to change that.
Another issue discussed dealt with treating veterans who need the care in a group home setting. Currently, Michigan has only two homes for veterans, the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans and the D.J. Jacobetti Home for Veterans in Marquette. Allen said the system is based on the model developed after World War I and is out of date.
“We have to build additional homes to help the veterans coming back,” he said. “We have a much different type of veteran coming back. We are seeing a lot of closed-head injuries and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) cases. We plan to build two or three more veterans homes.”
Cool, who is also on the board of managers for veterans homes, said the Veterans Administration said Michigan should have 1,300 beds for veterans. However, only 450 beds are in Grand Rapids and 184 at Marquette.
END clips
Ed note: Those are clips from the article.. Click on the link to go there and read the whole thing.
If they build more homes, I hope they are not ran as badly as the one in Grand Rapids, as that place is like a prison for the veterans who live there.
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