Friday, May 29, 2020

Killing off our Veterans at the Vets home, slowly with diabetes.

I have been saying this since 2010. The meals at the Grand Rapids home for veterans are killing the residents due to high amounts of carbohydrate and sugars. This leads to diabetes Type 2 in many otherwise healthy people.

Even when I lived at the home, we usually had those Gowd awful instant mashed potatoes (very high starch, aka sugars) once a day in either lunch or supper meals. If not we had some kind of pasta (noodle) or some kind of high starch item in the meals.  Noodles AND instant mashed potatoes were a double whammy. 

So here is what happens. You go to the home, and move in. You become less active, burning fewer calories, and they begin stuffing you with starches which are in basic forms, sugars.  When your body reaches the point where you are taking in more than you are burning, it starts to store the stuff as body fat. And when your body tank gets full, you end up with insulin resistance, and high sugars in blood. This is Type 2 diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association says the way to treat this is to inject more insulin. Insulin which your body is already reacting to, by either not making it, or not not making enough of it. OR, your body is not reacting to the insulin which helps keep your sugars down.  In other words, these medical genius are trying to force your body to store even more sugar in a body that is already reached its full mark and is saturated with it.

Sounds kinda stupid to me, how about you? But this is what they do, and the Vets home follows the ADA guidelines.  Insulin is not cheap. It also does other things which results in other medical complications. 

Is it possible to reverse the Type 2 condition? Yes. But the home will not and does not treat the problem using the method necessary. And what is that method? Reduce carb/sugar intake to below what the person burns each day. They need to burn off that stored energy from their "full tank" before the Type 2 insulin resistance will reverse itself. 

Think of it like this.. The body is resistant to insulin because there is no place to put the extra sugars because the body's tank is already full. However once you empty the tank, even a little below full, the body then has a place to put extra energy and it will then use the insulin to do so.  Thus insulin resistance is returned to normal.  

The home MUST stop feeding the residents these high amounts of carbs and sugars,  or many more and future residents will continue to develop and die of Type 2 diabetes complications.  Something that can be avoided with a proper diet based on calories being burned, and how much exercise the residents are getting. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

It has to be driving them crazy.

Rumor control stuff here today folks.

Can't get any accurate info in or out of the vets home.

Supposedly at least one or more residents are now living with family or friends outside the home in a temporary state, until the COV19 lock down is canceled.

I don't know if special rules are being made or not, but usually when someone leaves, they are not allowed to return due to the fact that the home is trying to reduce its population to the size of the number of vets that will be living in the new complex being built where Rankin building and the picnic grounds used to be.

Also, Bill, the guy who ran the American Legion Auxiliary poppy program may be one of these people, as he is no longer at the home, according to the Poppy program secretary, Brandy.

These people are in room lock down. I don't even know if they are letting them go outside for a smoke or not.  I would guess not, as the home wants to go to a smoke free campus.

This has to be driving these guys insane with nothing to do but watch TV, or stare out a window, or pace in their rooms. 

Its like being under arrest in prison without a trial or any due process. But the state will respond with its lame excuse "they don't have to be there" or "its a privilege to be there".  Over 660,000 veterans in Michigan and we cannot properly care for less than 600 of them at the 2 locations.

When Gov Snyder took office, Michigan was 52 out of 52 designated veteran zones.  US Federal Territories Guam and Puerto Rico beat us.

Congratulations, we are now at 50 - the last of the 50 states. Shaking my head in disapproval.

Sooner or later they are going to have to open this place back up and let the virus run its course. Keeping these guys locked up for months will only make things worse in the long run. This is being proven more and more to be true as every day passes.

No one wants to lose a loved one, but we have to admit, death is part of life. Making them hang on for our sake, is just plain wrong. Let them enjoy their final days.

Now I do not expect the home to just throw open the doors as if nothing happened. I expect it will have to be done in stages. Great.. lets get started.. 

Friday, May 8, 2020

3 confirmed COV19 cases at GRH4V is reporting that there are 3 residents with confirmed COV19 cases at GRH4V.

Those of us on the outside knew this was going to happen. It will happen to all of the retirement communities sooner or later.  Just a matter of time.

I for one can only hope it goes thru the home quickly and without taking too many residents. 

However, I do put part of the blame on the administration itself, specifically the kitchen department, or nutritionists that are planning the meals.

For years the home has been serving meals high in carbohydrates or starches. This combined with little or not enough exercise has lead to many within to develop Type 2 diabetes.  Having T2 makes you even more vulnerable to COV19. I know this for a fact and from personal experience.

Let us hope our medical industry can quickly find a vaccine or something to help these people soon, or they will be living in prison like conditions for a long time.