Thursday, February 27, 2014

Michigan Veterans Home, the new Zombie land?

I am just sickened by what I have seen this last week. I had 3 appointments at the VA clinic this week and after each one I went over to the Michigan Veterans home at Grand Rapids which is located right next door to the clinic, and visited some friends.

On Monday I spent an hour in the smoking tent area, then talked with a few guys on the Dom unit up in Rankin 3's day room. Then I went to Kozy Corners and said hello to a few of the volunteers I've known over the years, and then over to the far end of the place to the smoking booth over by the Mann building. Was nice to see some of the guys there.

On Tuesday I spent about 3 hours in the smoking tent having a pepsi with a few folks as I ate a sandwich from subway that I brought for my lunch. Then I was there again on Thursday. I also had a few cups of coffee from Kozy Corners that day. 

I could not believe how many guys were "zombied". Over drugged or drugged up to the point where I doubt many even knew were they were, let alone their own name.  My Gowd what is happening over that the home? Is this their new way of caring for our guys?

I heard that during the last Thanksgiving holiday the home had stopped drugging the guys so their families could come and get them and take them out for Thanksgiving. Either that or so the families would not know what was really happening to their loved ones.

As another poster said to this forum.. it is far easier to drop them off at the home and turn the other cheek than it is to have to face them and deal with the reality of their situation. 

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