Monday, June 22, 2020

Michigan Family court judge David Murkowski subpoena's a dead man.

OMG I cannot believe what I was just told, but yes it is true. You may recognize the name of David Murkowski. This is the michigan family court judge who was responsible for imposing many guardians and conservators on the residents of the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans. 

That idiot is responsible for destroying families and helping the state of Michigan systematically steal every penny from a veteran before the vets home killed off the veteran. 

Well now the moron has sent a subpoena to a man that died over 5 years ago and demands this veteran shows up in court.

I told his family to take his ashes Urn to the court and when Judge Dumbass requests he stands up, the family points to the Urn and tells the judge - "hes right there, talk to him all you want, seeing how you killed him." 

2 family members are so afraid of that idiot judge they are having a mental break down now. 

The eldest has hired an attorney and I do believe that a complaint to the Michigan Bar is to be filed against Murkowski. 

My gowd, that monster is responsible as accessory to the deaths of so many vets at the GR home, that and the conservators who fought with the veterans and their families for years.  

And now he has reopened another deep wound in a family that has already suffered at his hands. When does it end? 


  1. I'm looking for angry citizen. Please contact me for civil suit

  2. So post info about it here. Its going to take a big one. Very hard to sue a sitting Judge.

  3. Anybody want to make a complaint about forced guardianship in Kent County please contact me. Sincerely

  4. You will find it very difficult to sue him. One person had a solid case against him and their lives were threatened if they proceeded with it, and their lawyers were told they would loose their licenses if they did it.

    Our own government is our worst enemy.


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