Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Changes are about to happen, so hold on folks.

Wow. There has been a flurry of activity this week. Over 14 calls and 40 something emails about several subjects, all concerning our veterans.

First, It is looking like there is going to be a major upheaval at the MVAA after Governor Elect Gretchen takes over. We may see the end of the good ole boy network that Snyder was running, and the end of Jim Redford.

Second, she may put a STOP to the New GR vets home. Lets face it. It was shoved thru at any cost, and was not done right. The new veterans home should be put where the existing buildings are. The current plan calls for wiping out the old growth (and maintained) forest at the picnic and bandstand area. That is not good.

And the new home looks like its going to be run as a for profit business, which it really cannot be. If we are truly going to change our model to that of the one like Tennessee has, our homes have to be NON PROFIT. 

Then there is the fact that the federal VA is so messed up, its not even doing its job. And a new program has been implemented allowing family members or others to be paid for by the VA to take care of a veteran in the veterans own home, thus eliminating the need of over costly retirement homes such as the Michigan veterans homes or the VA homes like the one in Detroit metro. IF they even manage to pay those people when they can't even pay their bills to local ER's, or GI BILL benefits right now.

Then there is the cost of the MVAA's structure. How much is it costing taxpayers, is it overloaded with unnecessary middle management costing taxpayers millions and how effective is it, seeing how Michigan still ranks 53 out of 53 zones for Veteran care.. yep, Federal territories Guam and Puerto Rico beat us yet again in the care of their veterans..

Also the cost of care for residents at the vets home, and TRUTH in cost of care.. That is now being discussed due to the change in billing practices, as part of the Medicare compliance requirements.

There is also rumors floating around about expanding the role of the Vets Home Ombudsman Kelly Cody. It is my understanding that his job is to represent vets at the 2 vets home. However I do know that he has visited other non state veteran resident places, like the Silver Star Apartments down in Battle Creek, located right next door to the VA hospital complex.

Rumors are that someone wants to expand his responsibility to any veteran in the state. That is NOT what his job was created for. If they want to do that, the need to add 2 or 3 more ombudsmen, and give them all a much bigger staff and budget.

No matter how it goes, I think we are going to have to wait until the government change over in January 2019 before we find out what is and what is not going to change.. but there is a LOT of talk about what needs to be changed, and let us hope it will be for the better for our vets.

There are a lot of people watching and working on these issues, keeping vigilant. Our thoughts and prayers are with them.

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