Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stealing the veterans Bingo money, how pathetic.

From ok, to bad, to worse; That is the typical story of what has happened to every activity that made the lives of the Veterans who live at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, lives a little nicer.

First there were many bingo's held in the APR room, (all purpose room) located in the main hallway between the McLeish building and Rankin buildings.  They almost had a bingo every day of the week. Some of the groups hosting the bingo, would bring in treats. Pizza and Pop, Chips and cookies, coffee and donuts. Fruits such as banana's and apples, and such, or little treat bags with various items. All appreciated by the veterans. 

 But the home put a stop to that. No more treats.

The people hosting the bingo sometimes would pay a cash prize of 25 cents to 5 dollars for a bingo, depending on which organization was hosting it and how they were. Some bingo games you could call bingo several  times, for a quarter each,  others 1 bingo per card for 50 cents to 5 dollars, again depending on who was hosting the bingo.

Then they started handing out envelopes with 1 dollar in each one, as a prize. What a waste of envelopes. Why they did this, I have no idea. It just doesn't make sense to me. But for months this is what they did at many of the bingo's.

Now I am told, they no longer get the envelope. Instead winners get their names taken down on a sheet of paper, and then they have to wait a day or 2, or 3, or 4, or 5, or 6 or 7 or whenever, to get the money out of their bank account.

I am also told that recently this happened at a White Caps sponsored bingo, and several members are STILL waiting for their money (winnings) to be deposited into their accounts. 

That is right. if a person wins a bingo and wins 1 dollar, That dollar is deposited into the members bank account. Now it can take 1 to 5 days for the administration to do the paperwork, so that the member can get his/her dollar out of the bank so that they can go get a coke or a 7-up or for what ever reason they want to use it.

As a reminder, the member bank is NOT a  real bank. It is  operated by the Veterans Home administration, and is only open 2 hours a day, M-F. So if a member wins a dollar on friday afternoon, it will be monday before they can go and collect their money.  


Apparently Grand Rapids Home for Veterans Administration doesn't want any of the veterans to have any cash in their hands. Not even enough to buy a bottle of Coke a cola.. Oh, the price went up. It is now  $1.50 in Kozy Corners for a 20 ounce plastic bottle.

I wonder what the real reason is for not allowing the groups who are hosting the bingo's the ability to pay cash for bingo's.  Will the money that is supposed to be deposited, end up missing just like the Christmas funds for Rankin Dorm unit did?

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